

I have been thinking about Freedom lately. I think we have a misconception in our culture of what freedom is. It really seems to me that in America we think that freedom is our right and/or ability to do anything we want to do. Now, this may or may not be correct, but it really seems to be the way we think. We want freedom of speech - with no limits. We want to be able to say what we want, when we want, without any consequences or repercussions. In fact, we want to be able to do what we want without any consequences either. A great example is the state of Oregon's decision to allow sexual acts be performed in public settings such as strip clubs.

Now I am all for freedom to a certain extent, but let's get some perspective here. First of all, freedom is never absolutely complete. In the same way we can never live on earth free from gravity, we are never totally free from everything. For example, the law of cause and effect states that for effect there is a cause. Each effect may in turn become a cause, producing another effect, and so on. As Christians, we believe God is the first Cause and everything flows from His existence somehow (I don't pretend to know how nor have the answers). So our freedom is never without some limits. We are always limited. As much as I would like the speed limit to be non-existent, I will never be free from it. Either it will be imposed on me by government or by nature.

Second, if we are never completely free of all limits, then it follows that we are always a slave to something. Something has authority and power over us. As humans, we hate this. Everyone has struggled with being told what to do. "Stand in this line or fill out this form and then stand in another line." The cycle never ends.

It seems that America, a land established on the basis of rebellion, has fallen upon its own sword. We fought for our freedom. We established our own constitution. We even gave ourselves a Bill of Rights - rights that every citizen should enjoy. However, with those rights came limits. We viewed those limits as some sort of slavery. We do not like limits or slavery so we fought to extend them. Look how far we have "enlarged the borders" of our freedoms. Apparently it is now right for us to murder unborn babies and elderly men and women. Oh we do it under the guise of "free choice" and "quality of life." Consider some other things our "freedom" has provided.

First, in the eyes of America, freedom has provided prosperity. We are a wealthy country! We have more money than any country in History. While that gap is closing, that prosperity was still brought about by our freedom. And, we are free to do anything to get that prosperity; or so we think.

Second, prosperity has provided choices. We have more choices than anyone in the history of the world! We can choose any product in any color, shape, or size to meet any need. What kind of car do you like? We've got that. What color? Oh, yea, we've got that. And guess what! We have financing that will put you in the car of your dreams, today!

Third, choices have brought our wants into focus. Our culture is all about us. At Burger King "You can have it your way!" You name the marketing ploy and it is all about giving you what you want. That is the driving force behind customer service. Give the customer what they want.

Fourth, our wants have brought about impatience. Why else would we need "minute rice" and microwaves? Why else would we get our movies "On Demand?" I dig my Ipod, but it is just a way to get more music to my ears faster than ever before. Of course, nothing in and of itself is evil. I really like listening to sermons on my Ipod.

Also, consider what our wants and desires reveal. They reveal that we just want to stop working. We want to relax. After all, "You deserve a break today." Just sit back on your big fluffy couch, with your remote control, your bowl of popcorn, and you pop. Enjoy the next two or three hours of movies! Enjoy your football game! We provide you this opportunity to sit back and enjoy yourself. After all, you have earned it!

Freedom has brought about our way of life. Now don't get me wrong, I think freedom is good and I would not want to live in a different country. But, let us consider some of the results. We are an obese society. We are a lazy society. We are less intelligent. We are irresponsible. We are compromisers. We avoid pain at all costs. We do not stand up for truth. We do not even acknowledge truth! How lazy is that? Consider the military in Al Mohler's blog.

In my opinion, these results of our freedom are the sword America is falling on. In fact, we may just be in the dieing process. I am afraid for my children and grandchildren. They are going to pay the price for my generation. I pray God will prepare them for what they face. However, the Bible gives us the indication that they will not be prepared.

So back to freedom for a moment. This is the whole point of this blog. From a Christian perspective, we are never free in this world. We are either slaves of sin or slaves of Christ. If you are a slave of sin, then you probably feel free in this life. If you are a slave of Christ, you probably feel in bondage in this life. In fact, as a Christian our job is to work for Christ. There is no rest for us in this life! We will rest when we get to heaven! Though we are God's children now, we will not realize some of those benefits until we are taken from this life. So now we work as slaves of righteousness, knowing that we are sons and daughters of God. Someday we will live as sons and daughters of God, resting completely in Him.

So why do we look to rest and be entertained? We have the King's work to do! Let us live Hebrews 12:1. Let us labor, striving according to His power (Colossians 1:29)! Let us find rest for our souls in Christ alone! We are slaves of the King. Let us do His bidding until the day our faith is realized!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post Curtis! It is interesting to think about how we are bound to Christ at salvation, but what a great joy it is to be bound to the only One who can save us. I like to think of salvation as being set free because we have the unhindered opportunity to do righteousness, which was not possible before.

Micah James Lugg said...

Sorry, that first comment was me, Mijah. I forgot to sign into my own account before commenting.

cwblogger said...

Hi Micah! We are definitely free in Christ. The problem is mainstream Christianity forgets that even that freedom has limits. Our circle of freedom is not near as large as God's circle. For example, He alone saves, we cannot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.Whenever I think about "freedom" I wonder what our CHRISTIAN forefathers would think about our definitian of freedom...then I cringe.

cwblogger said...

Thanks for stopping by, Rachael! I appreciate you taking time to read my post. I apologize for not responding sooner. I have had a busy four weeks. I hope you can drop by again!