
Playing for Keeps

During a busy life, amidst a busy season, embedded in a hectic week, and climaxing an eventful day, a defining moment can be lost in the rigors of living. When something of significance occurs, that is, something of lasting significance, it can often be lost in the shuffle. However, there is deep value in recognizing these gold nuggets, mining them from the deep veins in the mountains in which they are hidden.

As you meditate on the idea of mining truths of worth from the mountains of life, linger for a moment over the satisfaction enjoyed upon securing said nugget of gold. While the gold has value, the personal value of a gold nugget is increased when requiring intense industrious effort to obtain. Likewise, when you recognize a valuable lesson from the trials of life, a truth to set your heart upon, its value increases.

Last night was a reminder to me of the value of knowing Christ. What is ultimately at stake in life? What are we created to do? We are ... to give glory to God. That is, we are alive, we exist, to glorify God. Therefore, every moment of every hour of every life is for the glory of God. What a great reminder to live like it! We must play for keeps!

Many times I hear of people who are "full of life." They seem to grab life by the horns and live life to the fullest. How much more should a child of God live to enjoy the Living Christ! We must live as if our lives, and more importantly God's glory, depended upon it! We must fight sin as if our last breath were at stake! Our life is more than mere existence, it is the battleground of eternity. As the armies of life and death collide on the frontiers of our own existence, battling for supremacy, how we live life reflects the army in which we are serving. Not only is this true, but also the intensity of our fight describes how seasoned we are as fighters. We must fight as if the battle depends on us! We must fight as if we make the difference between winning and losing, knowing that Christ is the one working through us!

The crazy thing is, Christ has already won the war! Death is a defeated foe! As a Christian, I am fighting a dieing enemy! As if that were not enough to get me excited, though I am fighting on the battle field, my home is in Heaven! I am seated in the heavenlies! As I fight, I should be longing for life at home! Can there be a better way to fight? I am fighting a dieing foe, while yearning for eternity!

Do not be deceived, the foe is strong. He will not die quietly. However, he is dieing! Our Captain has not only taught us to fight, but has also given us a Helper to fight for us! We are guaranteed victory! Therefore, let us fight joyfully, defending the Name of our God! Let us fight like we love Him with all of our being! After all, we are playing for keeps, fighting for life!

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