
Finally Finished!

While I was at the 09SR, my wife called to tell me something important. She said that something had arrived in the mail. To my excitement it was the fruition of close to sixteen years of work. Now you might be thinking that sixteen years of study would produce a doctorate. However, such is not the case! While I had originally planned to finish my civil engineering degree in about five years, The Lord had other plans! After driving me to my knees with a mist of undisciplined poverty, He demonstrated my total lack of understanding. Education, ironically, played an instrumental role helping me recognize my need for Jesus Christ! To make a long story short, one enlistment, a family, and two children later, The Lord God has blessed me with a Bachelor's of Science in Business with an emphasis in Management and Leadership! As you can see, this is no normal B.S. My B.S. has emphasis! After finishing the sixteen year plan, it should emphasize something. As I take dominion over the specific area of responsibility The Lord has given, it is comforting to know He will use this B.S. for His glory!

Regardless of the degree, we are all just beggars seeking grace. My personal trek through academia has served to explicitly illustrate this truth. All of the supposed wisdom of man can do nothing to change the heart. God alone can make the spiritually dead alive! He does so for the glory of His Name! May His Name be praised forever!


Bekah said...

Babe, I know that I have said this before but, I am SO PROUD of you!

Chuck Weinberg said...

2 congrats in one day. Way to go Curtis. Good job finishing. I think it would be harder to finish in 16 years than it would be in 4, since it would be much easier to get discouraged. So good job for taking so long and still finishing.
At least you have a piece of paper to prove you have some B.S. I just have it and no paper to show for it.

Anonymous said...

Much congrats is in order! How much hard work and perseverance it takes to get a degree, especially with such a busy life you lead, and now you are done. I am so happy for you and your family. Congrats, more importantly on your new baby girl!!!