
A Decent Proposal

I had the unspeakable privilege of witnessing a proposal unlike any other, save one. A young man in our church asked a young woman in our church to spend the rest of her life with him! While most people might consider the proposal a private moment, this young man chose to share it with some friends. The young lady was surprised and overjoyed!

The two had known each other for over a decade, waiting for God to unfold His plan. The road and driveway were lined with candles, casting an intimate ambiance on the evening. As she slowly navigated the driveway, her mind was submerged in wonder and awe. She curiously exited her vehicle in utter amazement. Petals peppered the gravel drive as she cautiously perambulated toward him. He waited patiently in a petal-outlined heart, excitement coursing through his veins, beckoning her to join him. She stood before him as he knelt, proclaiming his love, asking for her hand in marriage! The proposal was eighteen months in the making, forever etched in their (and our) hearts and minds. In order to complete this significant milestone, the timeless classic “I Can’t Fight This Feeling” by REO Lovewagon filled the evening air.

While this proposal was amazing, it pales in comparison to God’s proposal to His elect. This young lady loves this young man, but as unbelieving sinners, we hate God, the result of being dead in our sins. In His glorious mercy He changed our hearts so that we could, and would, love Him! Loving God is the result of being made alive in Christ.

What a change! He reversed our disposition toward Him, and His disposition towards us, one hundred and eighty degrees! We did not look within ourselves or to any external source outside of the Triune God. God imputed the wrath and punishment we had earned to His Perfect Son, the second Person of the Trinity. God Himself suffered and died for our sins so that we could be His Bride!

God’s proposal to us is our salvation. Unlike human marriage propositions, His include the means necessary to say ‘yes’. When He asks us to be His Bride forever, He gives us the ability to answer - faith. Our faith in Christ, given to us by God, is the ‘yes’ of the bride-to-be.

With the proposal completed, the engagement has begun. No engagement is complete without signifying the commitment. Our tradition is a diamond engagement ring. But God gives us His Holy Spirit; that is, He gives us Himself! He is the guarantee of our eternal union with Him. The Holy Spirit is our engagement ring! If He gives us Himself as a down payment, imagine what heaven will be like!

During our engagement, we eagerly await the Wedding Day! When that day comes, we will be ready to be united with the Bridegroom. But currently, we are not ready. We are in need of perfecting. The Lord has left us here, giving us trials for the purpose of perfecting us. He has not left us alone. He has given us His Spirit, the One who completes us through trials. Once perfected, we will be ready to meet Him! When we do, He will ensure that His Bride is eternally united with Him!

What a beautiful story! In eternity past The Eternal God purposed to create a perfect Bride for His Perfect Son. When His creation rebelled, He acted to atone for the sin of the Bride. The Bridegroom sacrificed His life for His Bride. Emulating His example, Christian men are to sacrifice their lives for their bride and family. This is the very promise God made to us at salvation. It is the promise this young man made to his soon-to-be-bride.


SKH said...

Great connection, and great to see you back at the help of the blog.

SKH said...

And, I meant "helm" of the blog, not "help."
