
Limb Differences

Considering the amount of study and talk in which I have participated regarding trials, I suppose it is right to assume God has been preparing me to lead my family through a little adversity of our own.  A few years ago, the Lord used James 1:2-4 to shake up my world.  As our small group memorized the first chapter, I was dumbfounded at the Word of God and how it related to all of life!  Only the Triune God could open His blessed Word to these failing eyes the way He did.

Fast forward to summer 2009.  Bek's father was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer.  While we were shocked and stunned at the news, the trial remained somewhat distant, happening outside our home.  God poured out grace upon grace to our family, granting Randy a clean bill of health near the end of January 2010!

Near the end of January 2010, Bekah and I found out she was pregnant with our fourth child!  We were humbled that God would grant us a fourth arrow with which to fill our quiver!  Her pregnancy proceeded on schedule bringing us to Tuesday April 20, 2010.  Our 18 week ultrasound arrived, promising gender confirmation!  We had decided to take Hannah with us to the ultrasound, planning to phone Grandma Stuart with the news once we left the hospital.

As Hannah spoke to Grandma, she reported that we were having a boy!  Hannah was witnessing answered prayer as she had been praying for another little brother!  She then announced to Grandma that Isaac did not have a left hand!  We were actually somewhat relieved because we were debating how to tell Grandma and Papa.

During the ultrasound, the Radiologist informed us that he could not find Isaac's left hand!  He had traced the left arm from the shoulder to elbow and along the forearm.  But his forearm simply ended.  He could not see Isaac's left hand.

Needless to say, we were shocked.  We managed some shallow humor as our thoughts turned to our son.  The good news was that all the other numbers measured normal.  As far as the professionals could tell, the problem was isolated to his left hand.

The following day we attended our appointment with Dr. Vold.  He informed us that he had never witnessed such an event!  While we were hoping for answers, he basically said this was outside his area of medicine.  However, he did bend over backwards to secure for us an appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine, located one floor below.  What a kind and gracious comfort The Lord extended to us in the form of Dr. Vold's efforts!

Today, Monday April 26, 2010, we attended another ultrasound, confirming Isaac's "deformity".  After talking with a geneticist and a doctor from MFM, they believe that Isaac's "condition" is an isolated event and there should be no further effects.  Yet another gracious gift that God has given us if it is true!

In an effort to keep this post short, I will direct you to Bekah's blog for further explanation regarding our reactions and faith in Christ.  I plan to add many thoughts and Scriptures throughout the rest of our pregnancy.  As we know, man plans his way, but The Lord directs his steps.  For now, please enjoy the following 3-D images of my little man!

Isaac William Wentling

Here is a picture of Isaac's left side.  The end of his left arm is located directly above the 'e' in the word forearm.  The doctor believes it is severed an inch or two above his wrist.

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