Reading this morning from Matthew 16:1-12, we find the Pharisees and Sadducees looking for a sign. MacArthur says they were looking for a sign of "astronomical proportions." Apparently they thought that if Christ could do such a thing, they would be willing to believe. Thus we see Arminianism from the view point of an unbeliever. They thought they could reason themselves into the Kingdom with the proper evidence. Why else would they say such a thing? They had earlier asked for a sign in Matthew 12:38. While the Messiah was dieing on the cross, they mockingly said in Matthew 27:42: "He is the King of Israel; let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in Him." They were looking for proof. The proof had to be on their terms. Had Christ even granted their request, I doubt they would have loved Him. Rather, like the demons, they may have believed that He is God, hating Him all the more.
Another interesting point is that Christ does point them to a sign - the sign of Jonah. Referring to His resurrection on the third day, Christ prophetically addressed their desire for a sign. This was the second time He had referred to His resurrection as a sign. It is an interesting sign. Surely the moving of something already created, such as heavenly bodies, is amazing. But becoming alive when you are dead is on a whole new level! Obviously they did not heed Christ's warning. Rather than looking to the resurrection as a sign revealing the power of God, confirming Christ's claim to Deity, and signifying the Lord's promise of eternal life, these hard-hearted God-haters tried to devise a way to cover up His empty tomb.
In the next paragraph Christ warns his disciples about the teachings of these supposed religious leaders. Is there a more appropriate admonition for us today? While many people, even in the church, preach and teach contrary to the holy Scriptures, we must be discerning enough to recognize these liars. Beware of their 'leaven.' These deceitful liars would bind us in the chains of their lies, dragging us down to the depths of their sinful seas. As we continue to sink deeper into their death trap, we finally realize we are in bondage from their lies. Looking to Christ to free us, we barely reach the surface to breath the breath of Life before our bodies succumb to oxygen deprivation. So we tread water, gasping for the breath of Life to rejuvenate our bodies. As we catch our breath, we think of all the time wasted following these lies as we sank to the bottom of the sea.
Let us feast on the Truth of God's Word, aggressively and urgently swimming for the goal - Jesus Christ. As we swim, let us not forget that God gives us the body to swim; the Breath, Bread, and Living Water to sustain us as we swim. He gives us the desire and discipline to keep swimming as well as the motivation to swim with our all for His glory. Beware, Christian, of the deceitfulness of lies! Flee to Christ! Look only to Him and His word for your salvation! Become a sign to this generation, portraying the power of Christ in your life!
Dude, you are on blogging fire!
I have definitely become a blogaholic this week! My current foray into blogaholism helps to internalize Scripture! Hopefully, I can maintain the zeal!
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