
The Foolishness of Man

This past Resurrection Sunday, our Pastor preached a fabulous message on The Foolishness of The Cross. You can listen to it here. Al Mohler posted an interestingly laughable display of human wisdom that complements John Zimmer's sermon well.

I would encourage all to read his post. It is a spiritual smoothie of laughter, sadness, and disgust. What else can the spiritually dead do with God? They cannot discern the truth. The following paragraph written by Al Mohler is important:

Count on this study to gain a great deal of media attention. "Explaining Religion" is yet more evidence that naturalism just doesn't work as a worldview. The "natural" order is just not self-explanatory. Do we really believe that morality is just a matter of brain chemistry? If so, why lock up criminals? Thankfully, most people have sufficient sense to realize that a biochemical explanation of morality means the end of personal responsibility. Want to live in that world?

I love the line about sufficient sense. Regarding these "wise" academians, he seems to imply they would be better off without all of their "knowledge." I would whole-heartedly agree. However, this is where the world is headed. Again quoting Mohler:
"Keep your brain chemistry on alert."


SlightStrider said...

"In a preliminary study, Dr McNamara discovered that those with Parkinson's had lower levels of religiosity than healthy individuals, and that the difference seemed to correlate with the disease's severity."

Okay, fair enough ... so how did Billy Graham contract the disease?

If a naturalist steps out of the dugout, I'm assuming that he or she is ready to play hardball.

Anonymous said...

I also enjoy Mohler's question:

"Is theology really just neurology?"

cwblogger said...

Great response to the naturalist question! I wonder what they would reply. Perhaps they would call Billy Graham a SuperApostle.

Thanks for stopping by!