
Jesus Thank You

Sunday night at church we sang the following lyrics. It is a joy to have them dwelling in my thoughts today.
Your Blood has washed away my sin
Jesus thank You
The Wrath of God completely satisfied
Jesus thank You
Once Your enemy
Now seated at Your table
Jesus thank You

Lover of my soul
I want to live for You
Lover of my soul
I want to live for You
As I am singing these lyrics with all my heart today, Andrew Mark is making a life-threatening decision. His cancer is killing him. It may be that The Lord is in the process of taking his slave home. It may be that The Lord will bring eternal glory to Himself by healing Andrew completely, giving him a whole new throat. It may be some combination in between. Regardless of the outcome, praise be to God for His Eternal Plan, providing the righteousness of Christ to Andrew and all of the Elect! I am overwhelmed with gratitude to my Master for His gracious gift of righteousness, yet weeping in my heart for the Marks.

Please pray for Andrew, Grace, A.J., and Gracie as they face their toughest decision to date. Only those who have endure such a trial can remotely understand what they are facing. Yet we can communicate the Love of Christ to them during this time through prayer, email, etc. Please be faithful to pray for the Marks. As they have been a blessing to Grace Bible Church, they continue to be a blessing to their body of believers in Minnesota.

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