
The Anger of Man

Proverbs 15:1 reads:
A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
I have always tried to apply this verse when dealing with authority or when dealing with "customers." If I am getting chewed out by a boss, I must respond with a soft answer to turn away his wrath. If I am responding to a customer who is irate, my soft answer will calm the offended party. I have even been the offended party and can describe an occasion when one of the Elders in our church diffused my anger with one sentence. It was an amazing example of godliness on his part, one which I hope to emulate daily. Without a doubt, this application is correct, but it is not complete. Please let me explain.

One major goal I have in rearing my children is to win their heart. One of my greatest concerns as a father is that my children will live their teenage years filled with the anger and rage of my youth. I hated Christ and all who were His. This was the reality of my youth. However, I have observed the reality of fathers with unbelieving sons who loved and were close to their dad. I cannot save my children, but I can live a life that communicates my love for them.

But how do I do that? What are some practical steps I can apply to achieve this reality? I believe Proverbs 15:1 answers one facet of this question. When my son disobeys, I must apply this verse. If I respond in anger, my harsh word stirs up anger in him. When my daughter has been asking questions for five minutes straight and will not permit my concentration, I must apply this verse. If I respond with a soft answer, her wrath is turned away. When my wife questions me while reading, diverting my concentration, how will I respond? A soft answer turns away her wrath, but my harsh word stirs up the anger in her soul.

As the head of my home, as a discipler, and as a leader, my words can either turn away the wrath of others or stir up the dregs of their heart. James advises me to use the soft answer. May the Lord, my Master, enable me to speak for His glory.

1 comment:

Ryan Hall said...

Thanks for your insights on anger. I was convicted. I don't always respond with a soft answer. Thanks for sharing your heart.