
Winter Wonderland

I have to admit, I love the snow! This past week has given me the opportunity to thank the Lord for His gracious provision of snow! The past couple nights, Bek and I have been monitoring the accumulation on our front sidewalk. For some reason she is captivated by the total amount gracing Western Washington. So long as she is not driving in it, she finds it exciting.

I have noticed a few things about the snow. First, there seems to be nothing so peaceful as undisturbed snow! Check out your lawn before anyone has disturbed it! It looks content and comforted, blanketed by the fluffy white stuff!

There seems to be no earthly peacefulness that can match the peacefulness of falling snow. You need to test this sometime. When the snow is falling, it as if the world stops. Living adjacent to the only freeway in our area, you would think the vehicular noise would still flood our streets. The opposite is true. It is as if the falling snow insulates our home from those sonic invaders. I suppose man's fear of driving in the snow helps out a little too.

The falling snow almost lights up the sky! Have you ever noticed how light the sky seems as the snow is falling at night? I am sure this has to do with the shopping complex across the street. All of the parking lot lighting illuminates the sky. When the snow is falling, the ambient light is turned up enough to provide a peaceful atmosphere.

What a blessing! I mean, if the weather is going to be cold, we might as well embrace this herald of peace!

1 comment:

Andy B. said...

I think the Herald Angels are the only ones who herald in true peace. Maybe you could say that snow is a "type" of Herald Angel.